Broaden and Build Theory

Broaden & Build Theory

In a nutshell, our thought action repertoire is the ever-changing range of options available to us to respond to any give situation at any given moment. Fredrickson identified that when we’re experiencing anxiety, anger, depression (what she refers to as the ‘negative emotions’) our range of options tends towards to the basic fight, flight freeze, fawn responses we have all experienced. As our thinking moves across the spectrum to what Frederickson refers to as the ‘positive emotions’ – creativity, relaxation, higher intelligence – so our thought action repertoire expands. This leads us to having many new thoughts about a wide variety of possible courses of action that we could potentially take. This broadening of our momentary thought-action repertoire creates opportunities for doing things that will have a long-lasting beneficial effect on our lives. When we act on these, there is the possibility of doing things that will change the direction of our lives in ways that will last into the future and create opportunities for having more positive emotional experiences. Positive mood states broaden though-action repertoires. Positive mood states also help people build enduring personal resources. This, in turn, offers the potential for personal growth and transformation by creating positive or adaptive spirals of emotions, thoughts, actions and interactions.

In very loose terms, Fredricksons’ Broaden & Build theory correlates to the Triune theory: negative thinking is the domain of the paleo-mammalian (limbic) system while positive thinking is the domain of the modern neo-mammalian systems in the brain. Looking through the lens of the polyvagal theory, Fredricksons’ negative thinking is the preserve of Porges’ ‘yellow’ zone (and red in the extreme) while ‘Positive’ thinking is ‘green’ zone activity.

So, we can see the three theories working together: MacLean’s Triune theory provides us with insight as to what is happening within our brains as we experience different emotions and different parts of our brain have temporary dominance over our subsequent behaviours. The polyvagal theory extends this understanding to the nervous system beyond our brain and through our body. By understanding this system – and using it to our benefit – we can take conscious, intentional action to shift ourselves to the ‘green’ zone where the neo-mammalian creates the virtuous cycles underpinning our long term, sustainable wellbeing. Fredricksons’ psychological perspective supports us in taking a holistic brain / mind / body approach.

A key, base outcome of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can be described through each of the three theories. It shows us how to shift the balance of control in favour of MacLean’s neo-mammalian brain, allowing us to spend more of our time as our best self. It shows how we can achieve – and return to – Porges’ ‘Green’ zone, allowing for recuperation and building strong social relations. With support from the broader PERMA model, it shows us how to use Fredrickson’s  ‘Positive’ thoughts to initiate those all-so-important virtuous cycles which sustain and build our long-term wellbeing.

How I Can Help You

Hypnotherapy for Wellbeing

A customisable 10 session fixed fee program taking the best from Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and Positive Psychology to support your sustainable wellbeing. 

General Therapy

Classic Solution Focused Hypnotherapy with a positive Psychology influence: open ended sessions at your pace, your way.

Hypnotherapy for Personal Development

A customisable 6 session fixed fee program to launch your best life applying the best of Positive Psychology and Self-Hypnosis  

Hypnotherapy for Imposter Syndrome

A customisable 10 session fixed fee program taking the best from PERMA Hypnotherapy and evidence based approaches that show you really are worth it and you really do belong here.

Coming soon - Group Hypnotherapy and relaxation sessions

Open ended and highly cost effective introduction to Hypnotherapy for wellbeing and personal development.


I enjoy a fresh challenge. For those looking for something different contact me with your thoughts.

PERMA Hypnotherapy


07538 885827

How PERMA Hypnotherapy Can Help You


General Therapy

Imposter Syndrome

Personal Development

Coming Soon – Group Sessions
