Hypnotherapy Group Sessions

Hypnotherapy group session - Coming Soon

A gentle introduction to experiencing the benefits of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and wellbeing psychology with full supporting notes.

The Hypnotherapy group sessions are ideal for those who:

Want to learn what modern Hypnotherapy really is.

Are keen to experience a guided Hypnosis.

Are considering working with a Hypnotherapist and want to learn more before committing.

During the sessions you will

Discover the wide range of benefits hypnotherapy offers.

Experience live hypnosis sessions.

Learn how to use hypnosis and wellbeing psychology to sustain your wellbeing.

Have any questions answered in my typical straightforward manner.

Before the session

I will send you a comprehensive introduction to Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and a description of how modern Hypnotherapy really works. These will allow you to get the most out of the session.

After the session

I will send you a selection of guided hypnosis downloads to enjoy whenever you wish. I will also send you an extensive case study, packed full of insight to support you in sustaining your wellbeing for the long term.

I have packed so much value in to these sessions that I’m really looking forward to supporting you in your next steps to a better life: come to just one session or as many as you wish.

    ”I actually feel alive again

Kevin has given me numerous tools and techniques to use as I continue to work on myself and towards some long-term goals I had previously dismissed as being unachievable. With his support I am getting my life back, I actually feel alive again and have hope for my future.”

Verified Client Testimonial.


How I Can Help You

Hypnotherapy for Wellbeing

A customisable 10 session fixed fee program taking the best from Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and Positive Psychology to support your sustainable wellbeing. 

General Therapy

Classic Solution Focused Hypnotherapy with a positive Psychology influence: open ended sessions at your pace, your way.

Hypnotherapy for Personal Development

A customisable 6 session fixed fee program to launch your best life applying the best of Positive Psychology and Self-Hypnosis  

Hypnotherapy for Imposter Syndrome

A customisable 10 session fixed fee program taking the best from PERMA Hypnotherapy and evidence based approaches that show you really are worth it and you really do belong here.

Coming soon - Group Hypnotherapy and relaxation sessions

Open ended and highly cost effective introduction to Hypnotherapy for wellbeing and personal development.


I enjoy a fresh challenge. For those looking for something different contact me with your thoughts.

PERMA Hypnotherapy




07538 885827

How PERMA Hypnotherapy Can Help You


General Therapy

Imposter Syndrome

Personal Development

Coming Soon – Group Sessions
