The key theories underpinning PERMA Hypnotherapy
At first sight, these theories may sound like heavy going. However, we have all experienced them in our everyday lives and, while different, they all point in broadly the same direction. Perhaps, one day, they may be unified. Unpacking them gives a deep insight to many aspects of human behaviour.
I’m sure we’ve all experienced moments of intense feeling where we respond with anger or anxiety. Equally there have been times when little can phase us: this is the triune theory in action. The polyvagal theory expands upon this to explain what is happening in our bodies – and crucially, between and body and brain – during such differing experiences and how we can use this knowledge to enhance our lives. Broaden & Build theory supports these: when we’re relaxed, feeling good, we’re more likely to come up with better responses to whatever life throws at us.
Triune Brain Theory
Paul MacLean introduced the Triune Brain concept in the 1960’s to describe the functionally distinct layers of the mammalian brain. It has become a widely used way of thinking about the overall functional organisation of the brain.
Polyvagal Theory
Stephen Porges proposed the Polyvagal theory in 1994, it basic idea: that the level of safety we feel impacts our wellbeing. This has shifted understanding of how we can live our best lives.
Broaden & Build Theory
Barbara Fredrickson brought us the Broaden & Build theory in 1998. It shows that experiencing positive emotions broadens our momentary thought-action repertoires (the range of options available to us at any given moment) which, in turn, serves to build our enduring resources i.e. better options for coping and thriving.
How I Can Help You
Hypnotherapy for Wellbeing
A customisable 10 session fixed fee program taking the best from Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and Positive Psychology to support your sustainable wellbeing.
General Therapy
Classic Solution Focused Hypnotherapy with a positive Psychology influence: open ended sessions at your pace, your way.
Hypnotherapy for Personal Development
A customisable 6 session fixed fee program to launch your best life applying the best of Positive Psychology and Self-Hypnosis
Hypnotherapy for Imposter Syndrome
A customisable 10 session fixed fee program taking the best from PERMA Hypnotherapy and evidence based approaches that show you really are worth it and you really do belong here.
Coming soon - Group Hypnotherapy and relaxation sessions
Open ended and highly cost effective introduction to Hypnotherapy for wellbeing and personal development.
I enjoy a fresh challenge. For those looking for something different contact me with your thoughts.
How PERMA Hypnotherapy Can Help You
General Therapy
Imposter Syndrome
Personal Development
Coming Soon – Group Sessions