Positive Psychology

The PERMAH Model

PERMA, has become the de-facto model of wellbeing and Positive Psychology. PERMA has the basic framework of Positive Emotions, Positive Engagement, Positive Relationships, Positive Meaning and Positive Accomplishments. A sixth element – positive health – is intrinsic to wellbeing. This leaves plenty of scope to incorporate a broad range of further resourceful elements. At a practical level, it leaves plenty of scope for adapting to the individual’s needs.

The table below summarises my personal take on the model. It is, purposefully, descriptive so does not attempt to prescribe what to do to improve wellbeing. That sits with the Hypnotherapy for Personal Development program.

Positive Emotions.

May be associated with the present, the past or the future. Those associated with the future include hope, confidence, faith, and trust. Satisfaction, contentment, fulfilment, pride, and serenity are some of the positive emotions associated with the past. There are two distinct classes of positive emotions concerned with the present: momentary pleasures and more enduring gratifications. The pleasures include both bodily pleasures and higher pleasures. Bodily pleasures come through the senses. Feelings that come from sex, beautiful perfumes, and delicious tastes fall into this category. In contrast, higher pleasures come from more complex activities and include feelings such as bliss, glee, comfort, ecstasy, and ebullience. Gratifications differ from pleasures in that they entail states of absorption or flow that come from engagement in activities involving using our unique signature strengths.

Positive Engagement.

Wellbeing depends on the degree to which we are involved in engaging, absorbing activities such as sports or skilled work. The experience of being so absorbed in an activity that the sense of self and time are suspended is referred to as being in a state of flow.

Positive Relationships.

We’re social animals: the quality – not necessarily the quantity – of our relationships is hugely influential on our wellbeing. involvement in supportive relationships contributes to wellbeing. In particular, the relationship we have with ourselves.

Positive Meaning.

Having a purpose in life determines our wellbeing. This often involves pursuing highly valued goals or serving something bigger than ourselves such as community, charity, work organisation, political party or religion. This gives us the feeling that life is valuable and worth living.

Positive Accomplishments.

Accomplishments may include completing daily tasks and responsibilities, reaching goals, achieving success, and winning. Accomplishments may be in the domain of work or leisure activity. Accomplishments may give us feelings of mastery and achievement.

In the pursuit of wellbeing, the focus may be on one or more elements of the PERMA model. Where we focus predominantly on one element, we can be said to be living a particular type of life. For example, if we primarily pursue positive emotions, we may be said to lead a pleasant life. Where we mainly seek engagement or the flow state, we lead the engaged life. Where we see relationships or serving something greater than ourselves as the most important thing, this leads to the meaningful life. We lead the achieving life when we prioritise accomplishment.

How I Can Help You

Hypnotherapy for Wellbeing

A customisable 10 session fixed fee program taking the best from Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and Positive Psychology to support your sustainable wellbeing. 

General Therapy

Classic Solution Focused Hypnotherapy with a positive Psychology influence: open ended sessions at your pace, your way.

Hypnotherapy for Personal Development

A customisable 6 session fixed fee program to launch your best life applying the best of Positive Psychology and Self-Hypnosis  

Hypnotherapy for Imposter Syndrome

A customisable 10 session fixed fee program taking the best from PERMA Hypnotherapy and evidence based approaches that show you really are worth it and you really do belong here.

Coming soon - Group Hypnotherapy and relaxation sessions

Open ended and highly cost effective introduction to Hypnotherapy for wellbeing and personal development.


I enjoy a fresh challenge. For those looking for something different contact me with your thoughts.

PERMA Hypnotherapy




07538 885827

How PERMA Hypnotherapy Can Help You


General Therapy

Imposter Syndrome

Personal Development

Coming Soon – Group Sessions
